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Car-free Sundays create more space for reopening the city

Bilfri søndag

The Danish government’s bill about car-free Sundays is intended to create room for cultural events in the city. But it might also be interesting to the city’s restaurants, bars, and cafés during the reopening.

The government’s proposal for a new transport infrastructure called “Danmark Fremad” (literally “Denmark Forward”) is a proposal to how large cities should be able to do car-free Sundays.

Most people old enough remembers car free Sundays from the oil-crisis in 1973-1974. Now, the government wishes to reintroduce the phenomenon where certain streets and roads in individual council areas can be kept entirely free from cars on Sundays from 9 am to 8 pm. And it might be a good idea. With car-free zones, it can create more room for the city’s restaurants and cultural life during the reopening of Denmark.

More pedestrians in the urban space

The idea behind getting the cars out of cities such as Copenhagen and Aarhus is to allow new ways to utilise urban spaces and create room for cultural activities, markets, events, and such .

Restaurants, bars, and cafés are among those hardest-hit by the pandemic. They might actually be able to make use of more spaces for serving outside where the risk of catching COVID-19 is less likely.

Many restaurants outside Denmark have already invested in making it easier to meet outside while keeping distance. In many big cities such as New York, it has been a popular development because the patrons feels more safe.

Vast expertise in temporary barriers in cities

At Damasec Physical Protection Systems, we are specialists in blocking off an area to vehicular traffic temporarily and establishing pedestrian areas. Among other things, this is done at larger events such as Carnivals and music events. But it can also be at a flea market, town festival, and so on, in order to create more space for al fresco dining and outdoor life in the urban space during the pandemic.

Our temporary barriers and traffic solutions are easily established in the morning and taken down the same evening.

Damasec Physical Protection Systems has vast experience advising on and planning which areas/points in the city need to have barriers – while taking into account access roads for emergency vehicles and redirection of traffic.

In the video below, you can watch how efficiently the flow of pedestrians and cyclists are secured, while simultaneously blocking for vehicles.

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