Optimal protection of entrances and stage areas
Your next event will have areas with pressure points such as entrances and the stage (-s). Damasec Event Systems has particular great experience safeguarding these areas with a variety of barrier solutions.
Throughout the years, we have set up and pulled down all types of barriers and delivers everything from audience fences, police barriers, and construction fences for a vast number of different stage barriers.
We are masters at combining the various barrier solutions – even with the surrounding barrier measures, so the execution is dynamic, in-context, and with the required functionality.
Audience fencing
Audience fencing is categorised as “Light Barriers” where traffic cones and red-and-white tape belong. An audience fence is used to mark the beginning of a queue, or as a barrier between athletes and audience for things such as bike races and triathlons.
The fence is not suited to areas or places where a certain pressure is expected from the audience. Close to the finish line, a police barrier will be preferable.
Police barriers
Police barriers belong in the category of “Medium Barriers”. The treadplate in front of the barrier makes it more stable as the weight of the event-goers standing on the plate results in increased stability.
The barrier is suitable for:
- shielding merchandise booths
- shielding Front of House (FoH)
- as speed-reduction measures
- As a gallery for security between the second barrier and inner circle
A very agile barrier with many different uses
Stage barriers
Stage barriers are categorised as “Heavy Duty Barriers”. Primary use is in front of stages and as a second barrier to ease the pressure from the audience in front of the stage.
Stage barriers can also be used as wave breakers in connection with line-up gates so the pressure of the visitors becomes manageable.
Stage barriers comes in many different forms. To mention a few, there are truck gates, flex (70/90 degrees deformity), cable glands, service doors, and line-up gates.
You are more than welcome to contact us right away for advice and input, so your employees and guests can be safe from beginning to end.